We invite everyone interested in Nahuatl studies to join us at the conference held on November 17-18 (Friday and Saturday) at the Faculty of „Artes Liberales”, Dobra 72. We will host several of the most outstanding scholars in the field, such as Michel Launey, John Schwaller, Camilla Townsend and others. See the attached program for more information.
2017-10-20They wrote about us - the creation of the new Centre featured in the Rzeczpospolita newspaper
The creation of the new Centre has been featured in one of Poland's bigger newspapers - Rzeczpospolita.
The creation of the new Centre has been featured in one of Poland's bigger newspapers - Rzeczpospolita. The whole article is available here (in Polish).
2017-10-18Centre for Research and Practice in Cultural Continuity is a new international research entity established at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw.
The centre is a common initiative of the University of Warsaw, School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London), Leiden University, University of Groningen and Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena.
The centre is a common initiative of the University of Warsaw, School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London), Leiden University, University of Groningen and Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History in Jena. It is located at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” where Dr. Justyna Olko, an ERC grant holder, along with her multidisciplinary team, carries out numerous interdisciplinary projects regarding the cross-cultural transfer between Europe and America, and the revitalization of endangered languages.
More information can be found in this text and in the video embedded below:
2017-10-09Language as a cure - new project financed by the TEAM grant programme
Language as a cure: linguistic vitality as a tool for psychological well-being, health and economic sustainability. The project addresses social, cultural and economic challenges linked to the reduction of linguistic diversity as well as discrimination and trauma linked to language endangerment and loss among speakers of minority languages and migrants.
It aims at providing holistic, interdisciplinary, and contextualized study seeking relationship between language vitality and psychological and physical health and wellbeing, including economic sustainability, development and productivity. It will also provide responses on the level of application of research results at societal, educational, economic, psychological healthcare-related levels. The study will be based on carefully selected groups speaking minority and migrant languages, focusing on the area of Poland (speakers of Lemko and Wymysorys, Ukrainian migrants), but including a comparative perspective for relating to earlier research on the topic carried out in non-European contexts and necessary for testing the developed hypotheses (Nahuatl).
More information about the project can be found in the podcast/interview (conducted in Polish) with the project leaders: Justyna Olko and Michał Bilewicz.
2017-07-24Registration for ENAHUATL2017 Conference is open!
From 17th to 18th of November the Faculty of Artes Liberales will host the First European Nahuatl Conference in Memory of James Lockhart. We would like to invite you to participate in this event.
If you would like to join us, please complete the registration form (link).
All information about activities you can find here.
In case of any questions concerning the organisation of the conference, please write: nahuatl2017@al.uw.edu.pl
2017-07-21First European Nahuatl Conference in Memory of James Lockhart
We present the program of the First European Nahuatl Conference in Memory of James Lockhart.
2017-05-12Teotamachilizti: an analysis of the language in a Nahua sermon from colonial Guatemala
A paper by Julia Madajczak and Magnus Pharao Hansen, about colonial texts in Guatemalan Nahuatl. Published in Colonial Latin American Review, vol. 25/2, 2016: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10609164.2016.1205254?tab=permissions&scroll=top
2017-03-02Nahuatl manuscript from Cracow
A new project, titled „A lost Nahuatl census of the Jagiellonian Library in Poland: translation and critical edition of the sixteenth-century manuscript,” funded by the National Science Center in Poland, has just been launched.
One of the works done at IDIEZ (Istituto de Docencia e Investigación Etologica de Zacatecas AC) with the University of Warsaw, is to make known the mother tongue, nahuatl, in its variant from Huasteca Veracruzana, región del municipio de Chicontepec, Veracruz.
One of the works done at IDIEZ (Istituto de Docencia e Investigación Etologica de Zacatecas AC) with the University of Warsaw, is to make known the mother tongue, nahuatl, in its variant from Huasteca Veracruzana, región del municipio de Chicontepec, Veracruz.
On the third of february 2017, several books published by the University of Warsaw and IDIEZ (Tlahtolixcopincayotl, 2016. Tlahtolxitlauhcayotl: Chicontepec, Veracruz, 2016. Nahui Tonatiuh, 2015. Tototatahhuan ininixtlamatiliz, 2014) were given to the following educational establishments in Chicontepec:
Primaria Federal Bilingüe “General Adalberto Tejada”
Telesecundaria Pública “Carlos A. Carrillo”
Preescolar Federal Bilingüe “Ignacio Allende”
Telesecundaria Público “Justo Sierra Méndez”
Primaria “General Adalberto Tejada”
Telesecundaria Público “Justo Sierra Méndez”
Preescolar Federal Bilingüe “Ignacio Allende”
Telesecundaria Pública “Carlos A. Carrillo”
2016-10-06Workshop in Nahuatl
On October 6 and 7 of 2016, as part of the ENGHUM project we will carry out a workshop for native speakers of Nahuatl (including writers, students, researchers, teachers and activists) as well as participants from the Faculty of „Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw.
Over thirty native speakers of the language will meet at Mexico's National Archives to read and discuss manuscripts written by their ancestors during the country's colonial period, as well as explore ways to strengthen and develop teaching, research and revitalization activities related to their language and culture. The discussions will be held entirely in Nahuatl, highlighting both the mutual inteligibility of each participant's variant, as well as the capacity of the language to serve as a tool for advanced academic work.
2016-02-17Hobbit. Hejn ȧn cyryk
Faculty of "Artes Liberales", youth from Wilamowice and Wilamowianie Association have the pleasure of inviting for theater play in Wymysiöeryś languange entitled „Hobbit. Hejn ȧn cyryk” on Friday 26th February 2016 at 12 am in Teatr Polski (Kazimierza Karasia 2 Street).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692199.
2016-02-17Cztery języki u wagi
Article about the project: Engaged humanities in Europe: Capacity building for participatory research in linguistic-cultural heritage
Artykuł na stronie 22. "UW" - magazynu społeczności akademickiej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.
2015-07-29The first workshop on reading Nahuatl texts
The General Archive of the Nation (El Archivo General de la Nación) in Mexico, the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw and the Zacatecas Institute for Teaching and Research in Ethnology (IDIEZ) co-organize the first workshop on reading Nahuatl texts (16th-18th century) for the native speakers of Nahuatl “The words of our grandfathers” that will be held entirely in the Nahuatl language. August 19th through 21st, 2015, Mexico City.
2015-07-29Tlaihcuiloliztli zan tlapohualli
Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), caltlamachtihcan “Artes Liberales” tlen Caltlamachtiloyan Varsovia, Polonia huan Zacatlan Macehualtlallamiccan (IDIEZ) quichihuah “Tototatahhuan inintlahtol: Achtohui Nahuatlapohualiztequitl (XVI-XVIII hueyixihuicahuitl)" tlen mopannextiz zan ica nahuatl. Macehualmeh tequipanohuanih quichihuazceh tequitl tlen tlayectiliztli, tlapohualiztli huan tlanehnehuiliztli ica cequin amameh tlen moahcouctoc ipan Archivo General de la Nación, huan tlen quiihcuilohqueh tototatahhuan zo tocolhuan ipan XVI-XVIII hueyixihuicahuitl. No mopannextiz amoxmeh tlen amoxmecayotl Totalhtol huan ce tlapannextiliztlamahuizolli ica nahuatl.